Display at the National Toy Train Museum, refreshed February 18, 2012

We made a few changes to the display in a cabinet at the National Toy Train Museum in Paradise Township, Pennsylvania on Saturday, February 18, 2012, to refresh a display installed by WamaLTC in that location in 2007 and previously refreshed on February 21, 2009. Participants in attendance: Richard W. Schamus, Margaret D. Keys, Constantine Hannaher, Mike Harrod, Linda Schamus, Ed Kohl, Cale Leiphart. Contributors to the display: Rich and Linda Schamus (train station facade); Margaret D. Keys, Constantine Hannaher, Clifton Chambers, Sr., Cale Leiphart (trains); Mike Harrod (water tower); Constantine Hannaher (hi-rail pickup truck and sign). Signal bridges built according to designs by Tom Cook.

Flickr upload by Constantine Hannaher, Flickr album of Mike Harrod.

This display was removed March 23, 2013, when PennLUG installed a display.