Washington, D.C. Metropolitan Area LEGO® Train Club (WamaLTC)
Meeting at Tom Cook’s house on November 23, 2002
We got together at the home of host Tom Cook on Saturday, November 23, 2002. Participants in attendance: Kevin Loch, Tom Cook, Bob Hayes, Abe Friedman, Greg Kramer, Margaret Keys, Roy Gal, Constantine Hannaher, Michael Harrod.
Tom’s track layout covered his basement floor and almost left no room to walk around.
Bob had a new high-speed locomotive.
Roy brought his three-track railroad station.
Michael had a hopper car in orange.
Greg had to put up with discussion about the green tiles he used on the nose of his Union Pacific locomotive.
Abe took pictures.
Kevin dropped by with his Metrorail station.
Margaret had put together a display of the history of LEGO® Trains.
Kevin’s new project was a multi-story city building.