Meeting at Tom Cook’s house on January 21, 2006

We got together at the home of host Tom Cook for a meeting on Saturday, January 21, 2006. Participants in attendance: Tom Cook, Bob Hayes, Abe Friedman, Margaret D. Keys, Constantine Hannaher, Michael Harrod, Tony Perez, Derek Schin, Ian Rabusseau, Michael Collaco, Ed Kohl, Clifton Chambers, Sr., and Clifton Chambers, Jr.

Tony’s elaborate pagoda houses… a Chinese restaurant.
Tom’s ping-pong table served to support a layout.
Bob’s photograph of the control using a Spybotic set prompted a thread at LUGNET.
Bob has a small electrified train.
A fanciful locomotive from Bob’s youngest son.
Eventually Max’s train made it out to the tracks.
Ed’s factory has a number of mechanical features.
The forklift moves by an underfloor reciprocating magnet.
Ian’s motorcycle repair facility.
The facility includes lighting fixtures.
Michael brought two detailed steam trains.
Derek looks over the variety of trains running and idled on the ping-pong table.
A 7740 Electric Inter-City Train (12 V) runs again.
Tom’s 10144 Sandcrawler and its surprising bulk looms over the rails.

Tony’s layout for the show in 2 weeks in Timonium needed amendation now that one of the participants has bowed out. Tom reported that our display in 3 weeks is confirmed but will require setup early on Saturday morning. A telephone call to our main table-transport provider went well. Additional shirts with the WamaLTC logo were ordered (expect a variety of colors for this series).

Brickshelf gallery of Bob Hayes, Flickr album of Constantine Hannaher.