Holiday Festival of Trains at the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Museum (Baltimore, Maryland) on November 26–28, 2010
We had a display on November 26–28, 2010 in the 1884 Baldwin Roundhouse at the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Museum in Baltimore, Maryland. Our display started off the first weekend of the “Holiday Festival of Trains” at the museum. Participants in attendance: Bob Hayes, Rich Schamus, Abe Friedman, Constantine Hannaher, Linda Schamus, Tony Perez, Ian Rabusseau, Ed Kohl, Clifton D. Chambers, Sr., Arthur Gordon, Justin Rupp, Jessica Rupp, Randy Hamilton, Cale Leiphart, Keetara Coleman, Elizabeth Cortés, Doug Foreman. Additional structures by Robert J. Gurskey. Our layout by Ed Kohl.

Brickshelf gallery of Bob Hayes , Flickr album of Bob Hayes , Brickshelf gallery of Abe Friedman , Flickr album of Constantine Hannaher , Brickshelf gallery of Ed Kohl , Brickshelf gallery of Clifton D. Chambers, Sr. . Brickshelf gallery of Robert J. Gurskey of the setup on Sunday.