Scouting for Bricks by Boy Scout Troop 39 in Purcellville, Virginia on May 4–5, 2019
We had a display on May 4–5, 2019 at Scouting for Bricks by Boy Scout Troop 39 at the Woodgrove High School north of Purcellville, Virginia. Participants in attendance: Denise M. Jadud, Robert J. Hayes, Abraham Friedman, Michael C. Harrod, Ian Rabusseau, Gene Nazarowitz, Lloyd Rombold, Robert Brzostowski, Thomas Johnston. Additional Mocs by Kevin M. Loch, Constantine Hannaher, and Todd Hardy of Classic Plastic Bricks. Special guests: Robert J. Gurskey and Monty Smith. Our track plan by Lloyd Rombold.
Flickr album of Constantine Hannaher.