Fairfax Station Railroad Museum in Fairfax Station, Virginia on October 12-13, 2019

We had a display on October 12-13, 2019, in the main room of the Fairfax Station Railroad Museum in Fairfax Station, Virginia. Participants in attendance: Denise M. Jadud, Bob Hayes, Abraham Friedman, Margaret D. Keys, Constantine Hannaher, Michael C. Harrod, Gene Nazarowitz, Walter M. Lee, Zach Reynolds, Thomas Johnston, and Monty Smith. Additional Moc of the museum and some of its railroad heritage by Matthew Taylor. WamaLTC thanks the volunteers of the Fairfax Station Railroad Museum for their assistance and hospitality this weekend. Our track plan by Bob Hayes made use of old 9V track and baseplates from the collection of Tony Perez. The endurance of Kenny and Lisa in being on-site for the entire display is noted. Special guest: Andrea Jensen.

Photo credit: Kenny Reynolds (via Twitter)

Flickr album of Constantine Hannaher.