2021 BrickFair Virginia in Chantilly, Virginia on July 31-August 1, 2021
WamaLTC had a display at the BrickFair Virginia in Chantilly, Virginia on July 31-August 1, 2021. Contributors (however fleetingly) to the display: Denise M. Jadud, Robert J. Hayes, Kevin M. Loch, Richard W. Schamus, Margaret D. Keys, Cristopher J. Berneburg, Constantine Hannaher, Michael C. Harrod, Linda M. Schamus, Ian Rabusseau, Arthur Gordon, Randy Hamilton, Glennys Warsocki, Mike Warsocki, Benjamin Warsocki, Doug Foreman, Gary Brooks, Lori Roll, Charles Viggiani, Zachary Reynolds, Thomas Johnston, Erin Toepfner, Sarah Varela, Elizabeth McKnight, Matthew Taylor, Erik Varela, Darren Browner, Joshua Hamilton, Glenn Holland, Sasha Murtha, Amber Niblock, Ben Rome, Charles Smith. Special guests: J. Michael Collaco, Clifton D. Chambers, Sr., Gene Nazarowitz, Marcia L. Harris, Robert Brzostowski, Andrea Jensen. Randy Hamilton coordinated, track plan by Bob Hayes, Ed Kohl calculated 690 baseplates.

The Episcopal News Service picked up the story of Matthew’s construction with “St. John’s in Washington gets full Lego treatment as brick-building parishioner pairs faith, hobby” (via) which was republished in The Christian Century magazine. Translations in multiple languages available: at least French, Spanish, Burmese, Polish, and Portugese.
Flickr album of Constantine Hannaher.