2022 BrickFair Virginia in Chantilly, Virginia on August 6-7, 2022
WamaLTC had a display at the BrickFair Virginia in Chantilly, Virginia on August 6-7, 2022. Contributors to the display: Denise M. Jadud, Robert J. Hayes, Kevin M. Loch, Richard W. Schamus, Margaret D. Keys, Cristopher J. Berneburg, Constantine Hannaher, Michael C. Harrod, Linda M. Schamus, Arthur Gordon, Randy Hamilton, Lloyd Rombold, Doug Foreman, Lori Roll, Zachary Reynolds, Thomas Johnston, Erin Toepfner, Sarah Varela, Matthew Taylor, Erik Varela, Joshua Hamilton, Ben Rome, Chelsy Chesterman, Jacob Lydon. WamaLTC appreciates the many visitors from former (and perhaps future) displays who joined us during the show. Special guest: Ben Bond. Randy Hamilton coordinated, track plan by Bob Hayes.

Flickr album of Constantine Hannaher.